Janani heads up the audience platform data teams, that manage the petabyte scale data warehouse and data lake, and deliver data products and services supporting personalisation, insights and innovation. She also manages the data governance and operational privacy teams, who promote and embed data management best practices, ensuring reliable and compliant data is made available for all digital products. Apart from managing and delivering these products and services, part of her role is also to explore innovative ways of applying technology and practical uses of the petabyte scale data repository for wider benefit across the BBC. Prior to the BBC, Janani has worked across multiple verticals assisting businesses with their unique, industry specific data requirements including digital transformation, master data management, data quality and data governance. She also regularly speaks at seminars, and authors blogs & white papers.
“Longer sessions created room for more depth and dialogue. That is what I appreciate about this summit.”
“Inspiring summit with excellent speakers, covering the topics well and from different angles. Organization and venue: very good!”
“Inspiring and well-organized conference. Present-day topics with many practical guidelines, best practices and do's and don'ts regarding information architecture such as big data, data lakes, data virtualisation and a logical data warehouse.”
“A fun event and you learn a lot!”
“As a BI Consultant I feel inspired to recommend this conference to everyone looking for practical tools to implement a long term BI Customer Service.”
“Very good, as usual!”