Peter den Haan is an experienced Technical Sales Manager in charge of technical sales activities within the IBM Analytics & Cloud Netherlands. His range of expertise varies from Data Science, AI, Big Data, Information Governance, Datawarehousing, Business Intelligence to Digital Business Automation.
Peter is highly skilled in the area of data science, application architecture, and natural language intelligence. He actively partners with larger organizations on advanced technologies and solution design. Peter leads technical teams with a primary focus on customer satisfaction and client success. He has been working for larger internationals and start-ups, in European and global in R&D, Services, Product Marketing and Technical Sales.
“Longer sessions created room for more depth and dialogue. That is what I appreciate about this summit.”
“Inspiring summit with excellent speakers, covering the topics well and from different angles. Organization and venue: very good!”
“Inspiring and well-organized conference. Present-day topics with many practical guidelines, best practices and do's and don'ts regarding information architecture such as big data, data lakes, data virtualisation and a logical data warehouse.”
“A fun event and you learn a lot!”
“As a BI Consultant I feel inspired to recommend this conference to everyone looking for practical tools to implement a long term BI Customer Service.”
“Very good, as usual!”